Who:   Invited Speaker, Bjorn Forsberg
What:   Talk on radios from WW1
Where:   Packard, Room 202
When:   Tues, March 13th, 7:30pm

The Stanford Amateur Radio Club, W6YX, will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday, March 13th at 7:30pm in Packard 202 with invited guest speaker Bjorn Forsberg. (This talk was originally scheduled in February but was postponed.)

WW1 Communication Equipment
Join us to hear about the history of World War I military equipment and communication as it began in Europe, as well as how it propagated to the U.S. Come see examples of both European and U.S. equipment from that period, including the Telefunken EV 72 amplifier (1912) complete with the von Lieben tube, which is an extremely rare piece of equipment.

Bjorn's career has been centered in satellites, where he's worked over thirty years with Philco Ford (now Space Systems Loral). He's also worked in the semiconductor industry with Raytheon and CTC in the Los Angeles area. Bjorn got his Ham license in 1958 as SM5UR in Sweden and is still active, mostly on 80 meters AM with heavy iron (750 lb). He's collected antique radios since he immigrated to the US in 1968, but the collection has swung over to military radios and then mostly to WW1-era military equipment.