About Ham Radio and W6YX
What is Amateur (Ham) Radio?
The Stanford Amateur Radio Club (W6YX) consists of about 50 students, staff,
faculty, alumni, and community members. Members are active in many aspects
of ham radio including:
The club is a University-affiliated student organization and was
formed sometime in the early 1920's (rumor has it as 1922), and has
been more or less active ever since. We have been affiliated with the
American Radio Relay League, the
national association for amateur radio, since 1924.
Radio Station
W6YX operates a well-equipped station, with capabilities from 1.8 MHz to
1300 MHz (160 meters through 23 centimeters). CW, voice, packet, RTTY, ATV,
and satellite modes are all supported.
Mork K6UFO has prepared a high frequency terrain analysis of the station.
Click here to view the analysis of the W6YX site.
Our station is located at Site 530
in the Stanford foothills. The shack telephone number
is 650-856-2737 (856-ARES).
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Stanford Amateur Radio Club - W6YX /
Contact the Webmaster at webmaster@w6yx.stanford.edu
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