W6YX-5 APRS Internet-Gateway
W6YX-5 is a contribution to the local ham radio community from Stanford University's Amateur Radio Club.
This station is located 490 feet above sea level at our club shack located in the Stanford foothills.
Currently the setup consists of a multi-band discone antenna on the top of our 30 foot VHF/UHF tower.
It feeds a slightly modified RadioShack/Realistic Pro-57 Scanner connected to a Dell PC running AGW Packet Engine and javAPRS with its iGate adjunct..
Here is a recent list of W6YX-5's igate users.
We are quite pleased at the surprisingly large amount of APRS traffic previously lost which W6YX-5 is now passing along to the APRS Internet System (APRS-IS)!
W6YX-5 is responsible for a substantial increase in APRS route accuracy for APRS users from Morgan Hill to the South,
Santa Rosa to the North and Fremont to the East. A map of directly heard stations can be seen here.
Please note this service is a voluntary contribution to the local ham radio community.
W6YX provides no guarantees for our iGate's uptime or reliability.
We are learning as we go along, so all comments and suggestions are welcome:
Pictures of W6YX-5 and instructions on how to setup your own iGate are coming soon!
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Stanford Amateur Radio Club - W6YX /
Contact the Webmaster at webmaster@w6yx.stanford.edu
Page last updated Tuesday September 16, 2008