Vol. viii, No. 1 November 21, 1969
Station: Yes, at long last, we now have two duobands up on poles at 60 feet off the ground, complete with rotators. Now, all we need are some true blood hams to drop by and help us match the two feedlines so we can feed the beams simultaneously. C. Bures, 323 Crothers Memorial, is heading this project. Anyone interested should contact him.
Workshop: This little known facility of the radio club's is located in the basement of Stern dormitory (8B1). Currently in the process of being cleaned by club members, it will be set for action beginning Jan. 5th. Equipment includes: 2 oscilloscopes, VTVM, signal generator, plus many more attractions. We also keep our QST and CQ collection over there. Keys to this room are available from Prof. O.G. Villard's secretary for $1 deposit.
We haven't had any meetings this term but we intend to remedy that situation in late January or February. Grapevine has it that something along the line of moonbounce will be the topic. We might even try contacting the astronauts at that meeting! Details will be available later.
Because W6YX is your station, we are seeking your opinions on the following topics:
Your answers to these determine the club's policy. If you have strong views on any of these questions or any others, contact Charlie Bures, 323 Crothers Memorial, or simply leave a note in the Radio Club's box in Professor Villard's office.
Good luck on finals and have a nice Christmas Vacation!!!
W6YX Phantom