The Stanford Amateur Radio Club offers unique opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience with radio/wireless equipment, antennas and systems, under the guidance of experienced academic and industry mentors. The Stanford club history goes back to the dawn of shortwave radio in the 1920's. Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett are both quoted as saying they learned more from their experience with the amateur radio club than they did in their course work.
If you are a licensed amateur, the club has a number of benefits to offer you. We have a well-equipped HF/VHF/UHF/Microwave radio shack with a variety of equipment and antennas. Ask any club member for a tour! You can participate in club events such as Field Day and organized contests. Club meetings provide an opportunity for you to meet hams with similar interests. Access to the radio shack at Site 530 is available to any member in good standing who has been checked out on the equipment by an existing club member. Also, the club operates three repeaters, two with autopatch capability and several UNIX computer systems reachable via the Internet. Finally, you can help promote amateur radio by helping with our popular classes and license exam sessions.
Any member of the Stanford community is eligible to join (students, faculty, staff, alumni and their immediate families). People without a direct connection to Stanford will be handled on a case-by-case basis. You do not need a ham radio license to join. Dues are free for Stanford students and $95 suggested ($50 required) for others, with a $10 discount if a domestic-partnership joins together. All dues are payable at the start of the academic year. To join us, just bring a completed membership form to a meeting. Please read the club Constitution and Bylaws for membership and shack access policy details.
For more information come to any club meeting or you can ask questions directly by sending mail to