W6YX News Archive:
ARRL Field Day 2008 - June 28-29, 2008
The weekend of June 28-29, 2008, brought members and visitors to Site 530 to participate in the annual ARRL Field Day. This year, approximately forty participants joined the activities at Site 530 in Class 4F (4 transmitters on emergency power from an established emergency operations center site, plus a VHF/UHF station, plus an additional "Get on the Air" station for new or inactive operators to make HF band contacts). At the end of the 24 hours, we had logged over 4,800 contacts and qualified for nearly all available bonus points. This year's Field Day also featured an evening cookout on Saturday evening and a post-activity picnic on Sunday morning.
New Constitution Draft To Be Considered at October 9, 2007 Meeting
Prof. Leeson has revised the draft constitution discussed at the last meeting. The final draft is available, the url has been sent out via email to the club mailing list. It is subject to approval by the club officers and membership at the meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2007. The revisions from the last draft reflect the discussions at the last meeting: (1) removed excess wordage regarding the Trustee, preserving the original text as far as possible; (2) assigned approval of substitute License Trustee to the Department of Electrical Engineering, since that's the entity that appoints the Faculty Advisor; and (3) removed change of annual meeting, returning to the original text.
ARRL Field Day 2007 - June 23-24, 2007
The weekend of June 23-24, 2007, brought members and visitors to Site 530 to participate in the annual ARRL Field Day. This year, over forty participants joined the activities at Site 530 in Class 4F (4 transmitters on emergency power from an established emergency operations center site, plus a VHF/UHF station, plus an additional "Get on the Air" station for inexperienced operators to make HF band contacts). At the end of the 24 hours, we had logged over 5,000 contacts and qualified for nearly all available bonus points. This year's Field Day also featured an evening cookout on Saturday evening and a post-activity picnic on Sunday morning.
Open House at W6YX Shack - October 21, 2006
The Stanford Amateur Radio Club invites members and prospective members to an Open House at the W6YX shack this Saturday, October 21, 2006, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Transportation from Campus will be available from the Escondido Road turn-around (near Crothers Hall and the Meyers Library) at 4 p.m. We hope to see you there!
- See the flyer for the event: front and back.
- Directions to the shack are also available here.
- Information about the club is available on this web site and from club President Daniel Clark.
ARRL Field Day 2006 - June 24-25, 2006
The weekend of June 24-25, 2006, brought members and visitors to Site 530 to participate in the annual ARRL Field Day. This year, nearly fifty participants joined the activities at Site 530 in Class 5F (5 transmitters on emergency power from an established emergency operations center site, plus a VHF/UHF station, plus an additional "Get on the Air" station created to provide an inviting space for inexperienced operators to make HF band contacts). At the end of the 24 hours, we had logged almost 6,000 contacts, and qualified for numerous bonus points. In addition, this year's Field Day featured an evening cookout on Saturday evening and a post-activity picnic on Sunday morning.
Licensing Class Success
On November 12, 2005, seven new amateur radio licenses were earned at a one-day training and exam session presented by the Stanford Amateur Radio Club. The class was led by Alan Larson, WA6AZP. Morris Jones, AD6ZH, and a team of volunteer examiners, administered the tests. The new hams and their call signs are: Daniel Faria, KI6BMT; Nicolas Kokkalis, KI6BMW; Lloyd Leanse, KI6BMU; James Rodgers, KI6BMZ; Debashis Sahoo, KI6BMV; Alfred Wechselberger, KI6BMY; and James Wu, KI6BMX. Congratulations. An additional class for this January is being planned.
ARRL Field Day 2005
On June 25-26, 2005, the Stanford Amateur Radio Club participated in the International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 Field Day operating event sponsored in the United States by the American Radio Relay League. Thirty-five hams participated from Site 530 operating in Class 6F (6 transmitters on emergency power from an established emergency operations center site, plus a "Get on the Air" station for new operators) using phone, CW, and digital modes on HF, VHF and UHF frequencies, including a contact through an amateur radio satellite which is part of Project OSCAR (Orbital Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio). The club submitted the first-place entry in this category (and fourth-place among all entries in all categories), including 7,250 contacts plus lots of credit for bonus activities such as operation of transmitters entirely on emergency power, pre-event media publicity, operation at a public location, presence of a public information booth, amateur radio transmission of a national traffic system message to our section manager, copying the ARRL Field Day bulletin sent from W1AW in Newington, Connecticut, visit by a government agency official, youth participation, and demonstration of amateur operations using non-tradional modes. Only one operation (which used 21 transmitters) recorded more contacts than W6YX. Photos from Field Day 2005 at W6YX are available here. Read the full report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-07/msg00511.html
Bharathi Prasad VU4RBI visits Stanford and W6YX
Bharathi Prasad, VU4RBI, became famous in the world of amateur radio for her DX’pedition to Andaman Island after 14 years of wrangling with Indian authorities. Shortly after that, she became widely known outside the amateur radio community for her heroic work on-the-air in the aftermath of the great Indian Ocean tsunami. During a recent visit to the United States, she stopped by W6YX with her husband, D. N. Prasad, VU2DBP. On April 19, 2005, John KJ9U gave them a tour of our facilities along with Carolyn WB6ABC and Bill W6WZ. During the visit, Bharati operated as VU4RBI/W6 making fourteen contacts with ten countries. Pictures from the event are in the Photo Gallery.
Web Site Update Online
The web site has been updated and some new sections have been added (e.g., the photo gallery, contesting, technical, and VHF/UHF/Microwave pages). Contributions of content reflecting the diverse activities at W6YX are welcome. Older material may have been moved but nothing has been removed. If you can't find something, try the Site Map, the What's New Page, or complain to the webmaster.
New Biography of Professor Fred Terman
Stew Gillmor '60, W1FK, Professor of History and Science at
Wesleyan University, has just published a biography entitled Fred
Terman at Stanford: Building a Discipline, a University, and Silicon
Valley. Professor Terman was our club's first
advisor, and had an enormous influence on the formation of Hewlett-Packard
Corporation and the growth of the Silicon Valley.
Professor Oswald Garrison "Mike" Villard, Jr.,
Professor Villard, our club advisor for many years
from the early 1950's to the early 1980's, passed away on January 7,
2004 at the age of 87. For a description of his accomplishments in
radio engineering, both professional and amateur, please see the oral
history he gave to the IEEE History Center in 1984. Professor
Villard was named SRI
Fellow in 1988 for his contributions to national defense.
Obituaries have been released by Stanford News Service, the San Francisco Chronicle, and
the American Radio Relay League which include reminisces from our current advisor Professor Leeson. For a picture of Prof. Villard (then W1DMV) operating W6YX in the late 1930's as student president of the club, see the history section.
Field Day 2004
The 2004 installment of Field Day was held on June 26-27, 2004.
From the shack at Site 530, W6YX operated class 8F (8 transmitters,
emergency operations center on emergency power) and logged over 7000
contacts. We had over 30 participants this year. Many thanks to John Fore, Dean Wood, Ken Dueker, Mark Aaker, and the band captains for organizing the all-out effort.
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