W6YX Contest Operations

W6YX Contest Coordinator:
E-mail: contesting@w6yx.stanford.edu

Updated W6YX HF contest results compiled by N6CCH are available here.

Older Contest News:


Mork K6UFO put W6YX on the air for the first 10 Meter RTTY Contest, making 326 QSOs in seven hours.
His report on the new contest is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-12/msg00598.html.

Rebar N6DB operated W6YX in the WAE RTTY contest, in the single operator, low power, category.
His report can be found at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-11/msg01599.html. W6YX was represented in the 2011 ARRL November Sweepstakes by KB0VVT, NF1R, KZ2V,and N7MH, who participated in the school category.
  • Mike's reports on the W6YX operations are available at: SSB - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-11/msg02423.html and CW - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-11/msg00885.html.

    N7MH, N6DB, W6LD, K2YY, ND2T, and N6DE participated in the CQ WW DX Contest, SSB, October 29 and 30, 2011. The scored over 3 million points with 1,836 contacts with almost 500 countries.
    Dean's report can be found at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-11/msg00105.html.

    Mike N7MH completed 102 RTTY contacts in from W6YX in the fall edision of North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, October 9, 2011.
    See his report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-10/msg00475.html.

    N7MH, K6UFO, K2YY, ND2T, AG6FU, AA6XV, NF1R, and K7GK operated in the California QSO Party on October 1-2, 2011, completing over 4,000 contacts in the multi-multi school category.
    Mork's report can be read at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-10/msg00265.html.

    K6UFO, W6LD, N7MH, N6DE, W6RK, K6TT, K6TD, ND2T, K6YL, and K2YY teamed up to participate in the RTTY weekend of the CQ WW DX Contest on September 24-25, 2011, completing over 3,000 contacts for over 4 million points, double the goal of 2 million points and breaking the W6 record in any operating class for this contest.
    Dean's analysis of the weekend is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-09/msg01789.html.

    Nick KZ2V participated in the CW edition of the North American Sprint on September 11, 2011, completing 194 contacts in four hours. Nick's report can be seen at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-09/msg00538.html.

    K6UFO operated solo in the All Asian DX Context on September 4, 2011, completing 71 contacts on ten and fifteen meters.
    Mork's report is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-09/msg00278.html.

    N6DB, K6UFO, N7MH, KG6O, and KZ2V joined forces for the SSB weekend of the North American QSO Party on August 20, 2011, with 1,355 contacts in 10 hours and N7MH, KG6O, and W6RK participated in the CW weekend on August 6, 2011, with 1,046 contacts in 10 hours.
    3830 reports can be found at:
  • SSB http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-08/msg01418.html and
  • CW - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-08/msg00694.html.

    Joanna K6YL made 126 RTTY contacts in the ARRL Rookie Roundup on August 21, 2011.
    Read her report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-08/msg01410.html.

    Mike N7MH made 360 CW contacts in SO2R mode in under four hours from W6YX in the IARU HF World Championship.
    See his report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-08/msg00527.html.

    W6LD, K6UFO, ND2T, KZ2V, K6YL, and N6NV participated in the RTTY weekend of the North American QSO Party on July 16, 2011, with 951 contacts in 10 hours. N7MH, KG6O, and W6RK participated in the CW weekend of the contest on August 6, 2011, with 1,046 contacts.
  • Mork's report of the RTTY weekend can be found at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-07/msg01160.html.
  • Risto's report of the CW weekend can be found at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-08/msg00694.html.

    Denis K7GK, Nick KZ2V, Dean N6DE, Mike N7MH, Tom ND2T, and Risto W6RK participated the CQ Worldwide WPX CW contest on May 28-29, 2011, making more than 2,800 contacts and scoring almost 5.5 million points in the multi-operator two-transmitter category.
    Tom's report is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-05/msg01678.html.

    Dean N6DE made 234 RTTY contacts in four hours from W6YX in the final installment of this spring's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, March 13, 2011.
    See his report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-03/msg01155.html.

    Dean N6DE, Mork K6UFO, Tom ND2T, Rebar N6DB, Nick KZ2V, John W6LD, and Risto W6RK "blew the top off the M/2 record" in this running of the North American QSO Party RTTY on Saturday, February 26, 2011. The old record (from February 2010) was 1070 QSOs by 216 Mults for a score of 231,120. Our claimed score this February is 1341 QSOs by 224 Mults for 300,384 points.
    Mork's report is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-02/msg02866.html.

    Dean N6DE participated in the February 2010 CQ Worldwide WPX RTTY contest submitting a multi-two entry using the WX5S call showing 1,085 contacts with 377 different prefixes.
    Dean's write-up is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-02/msg00740.html.

    Mike N7MH made 299 contacts in the February 2011 North American 4 hour CW Sprint.
    Read his report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-02/msg00363.html.

    KZ2V, N6DE, W6LD, W6RK,and N7MH joined forces for the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 8, 2011, with 1,654 contacts in 10 hours and N6CCH, N7MH, K6WX, K6YRU, and W6LD participated in the SSB weekend on January 15, 2011, with 1,649 contacts in 10 hours.
    3830 reports can be found at:
  • CW - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-01/msg00167.html and
  • SSB - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-01/msg01290.html.

    Rebar N6CCH and John W6LD participated in a multi-single entry in the 2011 ARRL RTTY Roundup, making 864 contacts in eighteen hours.:
    Rebar's report is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2011-01/msg00596.html.


    W6YX hosted two entries in the 2010 ARRL November SSB Sweepstakes. Mike N7MH and Dave AA6XV operated W6YX, which was entered in the School category. Together, they made over 1,400 contacts with all 80 ARRL sections. In addition, another "clean sweep" entry was submitted by N6CCH, K6YRU, N6EWS, and K2YY using the K6SU call.
  • The report on the W6YX entry is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-11/msg02737.html.
  • A report on the K6SU entry is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-11/msg02440.html.

  • W6YX, operated by Mike N7MH, participated single-handedly in the 2010 ARRL November CW Sweepstakes, making contact with all designated ARRL sections. The W6YX entry this year was submitted in the School category. In addition to the single-op entries using the W6YX call, the site hosted a multi-op entry by AA6XV, K2YY, and W6LD using the K6SU call.
  • Mike's report on the W6YX operation is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-11/msg01411.html.
  • The report on the K6SU operation is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-11/msg01414.html.

  • K6YRU, N6CCH, N7MH, K2YY, ND2T, W6NEV, N6EWS, AA6XV, and K6JK participated in the SSB edition of the 2010 CQ WW DX Contest at the end of October. Together, they reached 360 countries and made over 2,400 contacts operating as a "multi-two".
    Rebar's report of the weekend is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-11/msg00189.html.

    K2YY, KZ2V, K6UFO, N7MH, W6LD, and W6RK joined forces for the 2010 California QSO Party from W6YX. Together, they completed 1,505 CW and 1,838 SSB contacts, and completing a sweep outside California.
    Read Mike's report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-10/msg00240.html.

    Dean N6DE made 194 contacts in the September 2010 North American 4 hour SSB Sprint.
    Read his report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-09/msg01058.html.

    Nick KZ2V, Rebar N6CCH, Mike N7MH, and Marty W6NEV participated as a multi-two entry from W6YX in the SSB weekend of the North American QSO Party on August 21, 2010, with 1,262 contacts in 10 hours.
    Mike's report can be seen at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-08/msg01086.html.

    Mork K6UFO, John W6LD, Rebar N6CCH, Dean N6DE, Nick KZ2V, and Risto W6RK put together a multi-two entry from W6YX in the RTTY weekend of the North American QSO Party on July 17, 2010, with over 850 contacts in 10 hours.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-07/msg01156.html.

    Dean N6DE made 110 contacts in the 2010 International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Contest on the weekend of July 10-11.
    Read his report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-07/msg00537.html.

    Tom ND2T led a group of seven operators (Mark K6OWL, Nick KZ2V, Dean N6DE, Mike N7MH, Tom ND2T, Risto W6RK, and John W6LD) in the CQ Worldwide WPX CW contest on May 29-30, 201, making 3,287 contacts and scoring more than five million points in the multi-operator two-transmitter category.
    Report available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-05/msg01214.html.

    Mork K6UFO, Tom ND2T, Mike N7MH, John W6LD, Nick KZ2V, and Risto W6RK joined forces for a multi-two entry in the RTTY weekend of the North American QSO Party on February 27, 2010, with almost 1,100 contacts and more than 200 multipliers (the highest since 2005). The total score is the most ever from W6YX,possibly a new record in the contest, and possibly a seventh multi-two win in a row from the station.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-02/msg02962.html.

    Rebar N6CCH single-handedly participated in a "multi-single" effort in the February 2010 CQ Worldwide WPX RTTY contest using the WX5S call making over 900 contacts with almost 500 different prefixes.
    His write-up is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-02/msg01485.html.

    Mike N7MH made 322 contacts in the January 2010 North American 4 hour CW Sprint. The contest followed the first solar flares recorded in some time.
    Read his report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-02/msg00511.html.

    Mike N7MH operated solo from W6YX in both the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 9, 2010, with over 1,100 contacts in 10 hours and the SSB weekend on January 16, 2010, with over 1,200 contacts in 10 hours.
    Mike filed 3830 reports available at:
  • CW - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-01/msg00688.html and
  • SSB - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-01/msg01422.html.

    W6YX was the site for two multi-operator/single-transmitter teams in the 2008 ARRL RTTY Roundup: (1) Rebar N6CCH, Mike N7MH,John W6LD, and Phil K6TT made 1,377 QSOs using the W6YX call; and (2) Dean N6DE, Tom ND2T, Marty W6NEV, and Nick KZ2V logged 1,505 contacts as ND2T.
    Read the full reports at:

  • W6YX - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-01/msg00209.html and
  • ND2T - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-01/msg00352.html.


    Mike N7MH and Risto W6RK spent 29 hours in the ARRL 10 Meter contest on December 12 and 13, 2009, completing almost seven hundred contacts on the sunspot-deprived HF band.
    Mike's report can be viewed at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-12/msg01384.html.

    Mike N7MH submitted a single-operator single-band entry in the forty-eight hour CQ WW DX contest on November 28-29, 2009. On his own, operating 36 hours, he reached 127 countries and made over 1,400 contacts, all on twenty meters.
    Read more about Mike's activities at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-12/msg00018.html.

    W6YX also participated in the 2009 ARRL November SSB Sweepstakes. Mike N7MH again operated W6YX as a single-operator entry for the entire weekend. Two additional stations operated simultaneously during this contest. John W6LD operated one station and the K6SU team (N6CCH, K6TT, and W6NEV) operated another.
    Detailed reports on the SSB sweepstakes weekend are available at:
  • W6YX (N7MH, op.) http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-11/msg01681.html; and
  • K6SU http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-11/msg01343.html.

    W6YX, operated by Mike N7MH, participated single-handedly in the 2009 ARRL November CW Sweepstakes, making contact with all designated ARRL sections. These scores also are used for the Collegiate Championship. In addition to the single-op entries using the W6YX call, the site hosted a multi-op entry by KZ2V and W6LD using the K6SU call.
    A detailed report on the W6YX operation is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-11/msg00654.html.

    Rebar N6CCH,Mike N7MH, Marty W6NEV, and Risto W6RK participated in the SSB edition of the 2009 CQ WW DX Contest at the end of October. Together, they reached over 300 countries and made nearly 1,500 contacts operating as a "multi-two".
    Mike's report of the weekend is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-10/msg01737.html.

    N7MH, N6CCH, K6UFO, W6RK, K6TT, AA6XV, and AF6RR joined forces for the 2009 California QSO Party from W6YX. Together, they 1,333 contacts, completing a sweep outside California and missing only one county within the State.
    Read Mork's report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-10/msg00406.html.

    Rebar N6CCH made 398 contacts in the September 2009 CQ WW RTTY Contest.
    Read his report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-09/msg01573.html.

    Mike N7MH made 233 contacts in the September 2009 North American 4 hour CW Sprint
    Read his report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-09/msg00892.html.

    AF6RR (formerly KC6SXC), AA6XV, KG6NUB, K6PR, and AJ4EC participated in the ARRL September VHF Contest from Site 530 in CM87. They completed 191 Qs to 46 Grids on the 50 mHz, 144 mHz, 222 mHz, 432 mHz, 902 mHz, and 1296 mHz bands.

    Risto W6RK, Rebar N6CCH, Phil K6TT, and Nick KZ2V combined for a multi-two entry from W6YX in the SSB weekend of the North American QSO Party on August 15, 2009, with over 1,000 contacts.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-08/msg00783.html.

    Bob KC6SXC participated in the ARRL August UHF Contest from Site 530 in CM87. He completed 47 Qs to 18 Grids on the 222 mHz, 432 mHz, and 1296 mHz bands.

    Tom ND2T, Mike N7MH, Phil K6TT, Mork K6UFO, and Risto W6RK put together a multi-two entry from W6YX in the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on August 1, 2009, with 1263 contacts in 10 hours.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-08/msg00383.html.

    Bob KC6SXC participated in the CQWW VHF July 2009 Contest from Site 530 in CM87. He completed 78 Qs to 24 Grids on six and two meters, including contacts to Washington, British Columbia, and Montana.

    ARRL Field Day on June 27-28, 2009, was excellent! Many people participated and everyone's contribution is appreciated. Our score may be a new record in Category 4F.
    See the full report at: http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/3830/2009-July/177972.html

    Risto W6RK, Mike N7MH, John W6LD, and Phil K6TT put together a very competitive multi-two entry in the June 2009 North American QSO Party RTTY, completing 679 contacts and almost 108,000 points.
    Risto's report can be seen at: http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/3830/2009-July/177926.html.

    Five operators (Dean N6DE, Mike N7MH, Risto W6RK, John W6LD, and Nick KZ2V) participated in the CQ Worldwide WPX CW contest on May 30-31, 2009, making 2,683 contacts and scoring more than six million points in the multi-operator two-transmitter category.
    Report available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-06/msg00045.html.

    Dean N6DE made 245 contacts in the March 2009 North American 4 hour RTTY Sprint
    Read his report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-03/msg01285.html.

    Rebar N6CCH, Risto W6RK, Tom ND2T, Mike N7MH, John W6LD, and Dean put together a very competitive multi-two entry in the February 2009 North American QSO Party RTTY, completing more than 1,000 contacts.
    Dean's report can be seen at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-03/msg00168.html.

    Rebar N6CCH, Mark K6OWL, Tom ND2T, Risto W6RK, John W6LD, Matt WX5S, and Dean N6DE participated in a multi-two effort in the February 2009 CQ Worldwide WPX RTTY contest making 2,417 contacts with 587 different prefixes.
    Dean's write-up is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-02/msg00860.html.

    Mork K6UFO, Tom ND2T, Rebar N6CCH, Mike N7MH, and John W6LD collaborated in a multi-two entry from W6YX in the SSB weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 17, 2009, with almost 1,600 spread across six bands.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-01/msg01080.html.

    Mork K6UFO, Tom ND2T, Mike N7MH, JOhn W6LD, and Risto W6RK joined forces in a multi-two entry from W6YX in the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 10, 2009, with almost 1,700 contacts in 12 hours.
    Mike filed a 3830 report available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-01/msg00853.html.

    W6YX was the site for two multi-operator/single-transmitter teams in the 2008 ARRL RTTY Roundup: (1) Mork K6UFO, Mike N7MH, and Risto W6RK made 1,524 QSOs with 100 multipliers for a score of 152,400 using the W6YX call; and (2) Tom ND2T and Mark K6OWL logged 1,179 contacts to 79 multipliers to score 93,141 points as ND2T.
    Read the full reports at:

  • W6YX - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-01/msg00270.html and
  • ND2T - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2009-01/msg00194.html.


    Mike N7MH logged 21 hours single-handedly in the ARRL 10 Meter contest on December 13 and 14, 2008, completing over six hundred contacts on the still sunspot-deprived HF band.
    Mike's report can be viewed at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-12/msg01583.html.

    Mike N7MH submitted a single-operator all-band entry in the forty-eight hour CQ WW DX contest on November 28-30, 2008. Single-handedly, he reached 304 countries and made over 1,600 contacts.
    Read more about Mike's activities at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-12/msg00004.html.

    W6YX also participated in the 2008 ARRL November SSB Sweepstakes. Mike N7MH again operated W6YX as a single-operator entry for the entire weekend. Risto W6RK and Rebar N6CCH submitted additional single-operator entries.
    Detailed reports on the SSB sweepstakes weekend are available at:
  • W6YX (N7MH, op.) http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-11/msg01375.html;
  • N6CCH http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-11/msg01465.html; and
  • W6RK http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-11/msg01030.html.

    W6YX, operated by Mike N7MH, participated single-handedly in the 2008 ARRL November CW Sweepstakes, making contact with all designated ARRL sections. These scores also are used for the Collegiate Championship. In addition to the single-op entries using the W6YX call, the site hosted a multi-op entry using the K6SU call by AA6XV, K6DBG, K6IF, K6OWL, and W6KNS.
    A detailed report on the W6YX operation is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-11/msg00391.html.

    Dean N6DE completed 160 high power RTTY contacts in four hours from W6YX in this autumn's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, October 11, 2008, with the new rule now in place eliminating points for duplicate contacts.
    Read more about it at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-10/msg00427.html.

    Dave AA6XV, Mork K6UFO, Rebar, N6CCH, Mike N7MH, Chris W6KNS, and Risto N6DE joined forces to make 1,245 CW and 1,781 SSB contacts as a multi-multi school entry in the California QSO Party, nearly making a clean sweep of all available multipliers by contacting all but one the US states and Canadian provinces over the weekend of October 4-5, 2008
    See Mork's analysis at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-10/msg00252.html.

    Dean N6DE made a solo effort in the CQ Worldwide RTTY Contest over the weekend of September 27-28, 2008, and completed almost 786 contacts throughout the world in a one-day high power effort.
    Dean's report can be found at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-09/msg01428.html.

    Mike N7MH made 308 contacts in the September 7, 2008 4 hour North American CW Sprint.
    Details at http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/3830/2008-September/159350.html.

    Mike N7MH handled a solo effort from W6YX in the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on August 2, 2008, with almost 1,000 contacts in 10 hours from ten to 160 meters.
    Mike filed a 3830 report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-08/msg00116.html.

    Rebar N6CCH, Mike N7MH, and Risto W6RK combined forces for the RTTY weekend of the North American QSO Party on July 19, 2008, to make almost 800 contacts in twelve hours in the multi-two category.
    Read Rebar's report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-07/msg00915.html

    ARRL Field Day on June 28-29, 2008, was excellent! Over forty people participated and everyone's contribution is appreciated. Our score should put us in the Top Ten again.
    See the full report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-07/msg00215.html

    Bob KC6SXC and Dave AA6XV operated in the ARRL June VHF Contest from W6YX on June 14-16, 2008 in CM87 from Sat 2000Z to Sun 0500Z and Sun 1700-2100Z. There were 106 Q's and 6858 points, 85 Q's for 43 grids on 6 meters , and 21 Q's for 11 grids on 2 meters.

    Four operators (Matt WX5S,Mike N7MH, Mark K6OWL, and Risto W6RK) participated in the CQ Worldwide WPX CW contest on May 24-25, 2008, making 2,403 contacts and scoring almost four million points in the multi-operator two-transmitter category.
    Report available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-05/msg01083.html.

    Rebar N6CCH, Tom ND2T, and Rob KG6SKA participated in the CQ Worldwide WPX SSB contest on March 29-30, 2008, making 1,701 contacts in thirty-six hours.
    More information at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-03/msg01472.html.

    Dean N6DE, Rebar N6CCH, Tom ND2T, Mike N7MH, John W6LD, and Curt W6RQ combined forces in the rain and wind in the RTTY weekend of the North American QSO Party on February 23, 2008, to make more than 1,000 contacts in twelve hours in a bid to regain the top award in the multi-two category.
    Read Rebar's report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-02/msg01682.html

    Seven operators (Matt WX5S, Rebar N6CCH, Tom ND2T, Risto W6RK, Dean N6DE, Dave AA6XV, and Mork K6UFO) participated in a multi-two effort in the February 2008 CQ Worldwide WPX RTTY contest making 2,272 contacts with 536 different prefixes.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-02/msg01228.html.

    Mike N7MH made 308 contacts in the February 2, 2008 4 hour North American CW Sprint.
    Details at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-02/msg00153.html.

    Rebar N6CCH and Mike N7MH participated in a multi-two entry from W6YX in the SSB weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 18, 2008, with more than 1,420 contacts.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-01/msg01230.html.

    Mike N7MH, Mark K6OWL, and Risto W6RK combined forces in a multi-two entry from W6YX in the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 11, 2008, with 1,640 contacts in 12 hours, including over a hundred on ten meters.
    Risto filed a 3830 report available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-01/msg00551.html.

    W6YX was the site for two multi-operator/single-transmitter teams in the 2008 ARRL RTTY Roundup: (1) Mark K6OWL, Dean N6DE, and John W6LD made 1,561 QSOs with 95 multipliers for a score of 148,295 using the W6YX call; and (2) Rebar N6CCH and Risto W6RK logged 1,297 contacts to 93 multipliers to score 120,621 points as ND2T.
    Read the full reports at:

  • W6YX - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-01/msg00403.html and
  • ND2T - http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2008-01/msg00174.html.


    Four operators (Rebar N6CCH, Mike N7MH, Risto W6RK, and Dave AA6XV) logged 21 hours in the ARRL 10 Meter contest on December 8 and 9, 2007, completing almost three hundred contacts on a sunspot-deprived HF band.
    Rebar's report can be viewed at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-12/msg00741.html.

    W6YX also participated in the 2006 ARRL November SSB Sweepstakes. In addition to the multi-op entries using the W6YX call, Tom ND2T and Mike N7MH are submitting single-operator class entries from W6YX.
    Detailed reports on the SSB sweepstakes weekend are available at:
  • W6YX (K6IF, K6OWL, N6CCH and W6RQ, ops.): http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-11/msg01307.html;
  • W6RQ (N7MH, op.): http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-11/msg01176.html; and
  • W6AMM (ND2T, op.).

    W6YX, operated by Mike N7MH, participated single-handedly in the 2007 ARRL November CW Sweepstakes, making contact with all designated ARRL sections. These scores also are used for the Collegiate Championship. In addition to the single-op entries using the W6YX call, the site hosted multi-op entry using the K6SU call.
    Detailed reports on the CW sweepstakes weekend are available at:
  • W6YX (N7MH, ops.): http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-11/msg00620.html and
  • K6SU (K6OWL, KI6CCH, AND AA6XV, ops.): http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-11/msg00661.html.

    Nine members, including Rebar KI6CCH, Tom K1TW, Mike N7MH, John W6LD, Everett KG6RYB, Jim KG6DJV, Steve AD6AB, Dave AA6XV, and Dean N6DE, participated in the Phone edition of the CQ Worldwide DX Contest, October 27-28, 2007, completing nearly 900 contacts throughout the world.
    Comments from Dean and Rebar are included in the report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-11/msg00103.html.

    Dean N6DE completed 250 high power RTTY contacts in four hours from W6YX in this autumn's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, October 13, 2007.
    Read more about it at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-10/msg00656.html.

    Mork K6UFO, Mike N7MH, Chris W6KNS, Everett KG6RYB, Dave AA6XV, and Dean N6DE joined forces to make 1,281 CW and 1,895 SSB contacts as a multi-multi school entry in the California QSO Party, making a clean sweep of all available multipliers by contacting all the US states and Canadian provinces over the weekend of October 6-7, 2007.
    See Dean's analysis at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-10/msg00581.html.

    Mork K6UFO organized a team for the CQ Worldwide RTTY Contest over the weekend of September 29-30, 2007 including Mark K6OWL, John W6LD, Dave AA6XV, Dean N6DE, Tom ND2T, and Mike N7MH which completed almost 1,400 contacts throughout the world in a multi-single high power effort.
    Mork's analysis can be found at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-10/msg00218.html.

    Dean N6DE operated from W6YX in the North American CW Sprint on September 15, 2007, making almost three hundred contacts in four hours with just two band changes.
    Read Dean's report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-09/msg00604.html.

    Mike N7MH submitted a single-operator entry from W6YX in the North American CW Sprint on September 8, 2007, completing three hundred contacts using two radios in four hours.
    Mike's report is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-09/msg00234.html.

    Rebar KI6CCH logged 184 contacts on the six meter, two meter, 222 mHz, 432 mHz, and 1.2 gHz bands during the ARRL VHF QSO Party on September 8-9, 2007.
    Rebar's report is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-09/msg00415.html.

    Dean N6DE, Everett, KG6RYB, and Rebar KI6CCH teamed up for a multi-two entry in the Phone weekend of the North American QSO Party on August 18, 2007, with 340 800 contacts from W6YX.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-08/msg00651.html.

    Mike N7MH submitted a single-operator entry from W6YX in the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on August 4, 2007, with more than 800 contacts in 10 hours.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-08/msg00147.html.

    Rebar KI6CCH recorded 26 contacts during the ARRL UHF contest on August 4-5, 2007, including two DX grid squares.
    Find out more at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-08/msg00359.html.

    Dean N6DE led a crew of Rebar KI6CCH, Mike N7MH, and Risto W6RK on Saturday, July 21, 2007, to operate in the North American QSO Party RTTY in the Multi-Two category with almost 800 contacts in 12 hours.
    Dean's report is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-07/msg00893.html.

    Rebar KI6CCH put in an individual effort during the International Amateur Radio Union contest on July 14-15, 2007, making over 1000 contacts in twenty-four hours.
    Rebar's report can be found at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-07/msg00957.html.

    Rebar KI6CCH operated single-band (20 meters), single-operator, and single-mode (SSB) during the annual Canada Day contest making 133 contacts in six and a half hours on July 1, the anniversary of Canada's confederation.
    More information is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-07/msg00118.html.

    ARRL Field Day on June 23-24, 2007, was outstanding! Over forty people participated and everyone's contribution is appreciated. Our score should put us in the Top Ten again and establish a new record for Class 4F.
    See the full report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-06/msg00733.html

    Risto W6RK organized a group of "brass pounders" including WX5S W1AR N6DE N6KJ N7MH ND2T and K6OWL using the WX5S call in the forty-eight hour CQ Worldwide WPX Contest CW over the weekend of May 26-27, 2007 in the multi-two category, making 2,195 contacts throughout the world on the 80 to 10 meter bands.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2007-06/msg00170.html.

    Mork K6UFO led a team including WX5S KI6CCH KG6DJV N6DE K6OWL using the WX5S call in the forty-eight hour CQ Worldwide WPX Contest SSB over the weekend of March 24-25, 2007 in the multi-single category, making over 1,200 contacts throughout the world on the 160 to 10 meter bands.
    Read Mork's report about it at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2007-03/msg01534.html.

    Dean N6DE made almost 300 high power RTTY contacts in four hours from W6YX in this spring's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, March 10, 2007, placing in the top five nationwide in his first effort at this contest.
    Read more about it at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2007-03/msg00703.html.

    Dean N6DE led a crew of Rebar KI6CCH, John W6LD, Mike N7MH, Risto W6RK, Mark K6OWL, and Mork K6UFO to operate in the North American QSO Party RTTY on Saturday, February 24, 2007, in which W6YX finished in first place of the Multi-Two category with a record-breaking 1,047 contacts in 12 hours at the bottom of the sunspot cycle. This is the fifth first place finish for W6YX in this contest.
    Dean's report is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2007-02/msg01875.html.

    Mike N7MH made 302 contacts in the February 10, 2007 4 hour North American CW Sprint.
    Details at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2007-02/msg00444.html.

    Matt WX5S led a team of seven operators (WX5S, KI6CCH, K6OWL, ND2T, W6LD, K6PR, and N7MH) in a multi-two effort as WX5S in the 2007 CQ Worldwide WPX RTTY contest over the weekend of February 10-11, 2007 making 1,692 contacts with 528 different prefixes.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2007-02/msg00730.html.

    Risto W6RK made 214 contacts in the February 3, 2007 4 hour North American SSB Sprint.
    Details at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2007-02/msg00073.html.

    W6YX was on the air over the weekend of January 20-22, 2007 for the ARRL VHF contest thanks to Rebar KI6CCH, Bob KC6SXC, Alan WA6AZP and Carol W6GEM. They made 208 contacts on 5 bands with 15 different grid squares, placing first in the Pacific Division.
    Details at http://www.arrl.org/contests/results/2007/janvhf.pdf.

    Mike N7MH submitted a single-operator entry from W6YX in the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 13, 2007, with more than 669 contacts in 7-1/2 hours.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2007-01/msg00698.html.

    W6YX was the site for two multi-operator/single-transmitter teams in the 2007 ARRL RTTY Roundup: (1) Mark K6OWL and Rebar KI6CCH made 572 QSOs with 74 multipliers for a score of 42,328 using the W6YX call; and (2) Tom ND2T and Risto W6RK logged 1246 contacts to 88 multipliers to score 109,648 points as ND2T.
    Read the full reports at:
  • W6YX - http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2007-01/msg00232.html and
  • ND2T - http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2007-01/msg00336.html.


    Mark K6OWL, Dean N6DE, and Mike N7MH faced the bottom of the solar cycle and made a few contacts over the weekend of December 9-10, 2006, in the ARRL 10-meter contest.
    See more at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-12/msg00808.html.

    Risto W6RK submitted a single-operator single-band (15 meters) entry in the forty-eight hour CQ WW DX contest on November 24-27, 2006. Single-handedly, he reached 92 countries and made over 600 contacts. In addition, Mark K6OWL and Dave AA6XV made some DX contacts on other bands during the weekend.
    Read more about Risto's activities at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-11/msg01698.html.

    W6YX participated in the 2006 ARRL November Sweepstakes, making thousands of contacts with all designated ARRL sections. These scores also are used for the Collegiate Championship. In addition to the multi-op entries using the W6YX call, Mork K6UFO, Tom ND2T, and Mike N7MH are submitting single-operator class entries from W6YX.
    Detailed reports on the CW sweepstakes weekend are available at:
  • W6YX (K6OWL, W6KNS, and W6RK, ops.): http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2006-11/msg00726.html and
  • K6SU (K6UFO, op.): http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2006-11/msg00749.html.
    Detailed reports on the SSB sweepstakes weekend are available at:
  • W6YX (K6OWL, W6LD, W6RK, and W6RQ, ops.): http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-11/msg01407.html and
  • W6RQ (N7MH, op.): http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-11/msg01494.html

    Six operators (Mark K6OWL, Dave AA6XV, Mike N7MH, Tom ND2T, John W6LD, and Max KC6MAX) participated for eight hours in the 2006 CQ WW DX SSB contest on October 27-29, 2006.
    See more at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-10/msg01305.html.

    Mark K6OWL made more than 150 RTTY contacts in four hours using five watts from W6YX in this fall's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, October 14, 2006, placing first nationwide among QRP and sixth nationwide overall.
    Read more about it at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-10/msg00441.html.

    Mork K6UFO organized a group of eight consisting of Curt W6RQ, Risto W6RK, Mike N7MH, Andre, DG3SDK, Chris W6KNS, Ward N0AX, Dave AA6XV, and John W6LD to make 985 CW and 1230 SSB contacts in the California QSO Party, contacting all the US states and all but one of the Canadian provinces over the weekend of October 7-8, 2006.
    Read Mork's analysis at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-10/msg00325.html.

    Dean N6DE led a group including Dave AA6XV, Mark K6OWL, Mike N7MH, John W6LD, and Risto in a multi-single category effort in the 2006 CQ Worldwide RTTY contest, making over 1,500 contacts during the weekend of September 22-24, which appears to be in contention for first place among USA entries in this category.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-09/msg01044.html.

    Risto W6RK completed almost 200 SSB contacts in four hours from W6YX in the second phase of the fall installment of this year's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, September 16, 2006.
    Risto reports at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-09/msg00508.html.

    Mike N7MH made more than 300 CW contacts in four hours from W6YX in the fall installment of this year's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, September 9, 2006.
    See his analysis at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-09/msg00218.html.

    Mork K6UFO, Dean N6DE, Mike N7MH, and Risto W6RK worked the August 2006 North American QSO Party SSB with a multi-two entry. The team faced difficult conditions, making just over 900 contacts, with more than three-quarters of these on the twenty and forty meter bands.
    See Mork's report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-08/msg00723.html.

    Mork K6UFO, John W6LD, Mike N7MH, and Risto W6RK operated in the August 2006 North American QSO Party CW with a multi-two entry. The team made more than 1,000 contacts, almost half of these on twenty meters.
    See Mork's report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-08/msg00252.html.

    Six operators (Mork K6UFO, Mike N7MH, Tom ND2T, Risto W6RK, Everett KG6RYB, and Dean N6DE) participated in the July 2006 North American QSO Party RTTY with a multi-two entry. The W6YX team exceeded expectations and submitted its best ever score in very challenging conditions, with 821 contacts, nearly 200 more than achieved the prior year.
    The complete story by Dean is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-07/msg00757.html.

    Mike N7MH, Dean N6DE, and Risto W6RK participated July 8-9, 2006, in the 24-hour International Amateur Radio Union HF championship and the simultaneous running of the World Radiosport Team Championship this year sited in Brazil.
    See Dean's writeup at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-07/msg00494.html.

    ARRL Field Day on June 24-25, 2006, was Fantastic! Everyone's participation is appreciated. Our score will put us in the Top Ten again and establish a new record for Class 5F.
    See the full report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-07/msg00511.html

    Risto W6RK led the efforts of seven operators including Mike WA6O, Mark K6OWL, John W6LD, Matt WX5S, Dean N6DE, and Mike N7MH in the CQ Worldwide WPX CW contest on May 26-28, 2006, making more than 2,800 contacts and scoring more than 6 million points in the multi-operator two-transmitter category.
    Report available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-05/msg00916.html.

    Mike N7MH, Dean N6DE, and Risto W6RK operated the inaugural 7th Call Area QSO Party ("7QP") completing more than 450 contacts with operators in Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming over the weekend of May 6-7, 2006.
    Dean's report is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2006-05/msg00307.html

    Mike N7MH completed 141 CW contacts in four hours from W6YX in the second annual running of the single-operator Low Power CW Sprint on Saturday afternoon, April 1, 2006.
    Details are available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-04/msg00111.html.

    Mork K6UFO led a team including W6NL, N6RCE, ND2T, AA6XV, WX5S, W6RK, K6PR, W6RQ, W6GEM, and K6OWL in the forty-eight hour CQ Worldwide WPX Contest SSB over the weekend of March 25-26, 2006 in the multi-single category, making over 1,800 contacts throughout the world the 160 to 10 meter bands.
    Read Mork's report about it at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-03/msg01381.html.

    Dean N6DE completed 269 RTTY contacts from W6YX, reaching 55 band/countries on six continents in a six hour period during the BARTG (British Amateur Radio Teledata Group) contest held during the weekend of March 18-19, 2006.
    See his report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-03/msg00976.html.

    Mark K6OWL made 133 RTTY contacts in four hours using five watts from W6YX in the final installment of this spring's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, March 11, 2006.
    See his report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-03/msg00642.html.

    Dean N6DE led a crew of K6UFO, W6RK, N7MH, W6LD to operate in the North American QSO Party RTTY on Saturday, February 25, 2006, in which W6YX finished in first place of the Multi-Two category with 868 contacts in 12 hours. This is the fourth first place finish for W6YX in this contest.
    Dean's report is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2006-02/msg01566.html.

    Risto W6RK operated thirteen hours of the ARRL DX CW contest during the weekend of February 18-19, 2006, completing 468 QSOs with 196 DXCC entities on four bands.
    Risto's report of his activities is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-02/msg00951.html.

    Mike N7MH made 291 CW contacts in four hours from W6YX in the second installment of this year's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, February 11, 2006.
    See his report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-02/msg00441.html.

    Eight operators (AA6XV, K6OWL, K6UFO, N6RCE, W6KNS, W6LD, W6RK, W6ZZZ, and WX5S) joined in a multi-single effort as WX5S in the 2006 CQ Worldwide WPX RTTY contest over the weekend of February 11-12, 2006 making 1,408 contacts with 508 different prefixes.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-02/msg00518.html.

    Risto W6RK made 185 SSB contacts in four hours from W6YX in the first installment of this year's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, February 4, 2006.
    See his report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-02/msg00128.html.

    A large group of operators including Alan WA6AZP, Dave AA6XV, Dave K1SAT, Bob KC6SXC, Leif K6EEN, and Carol W6GEM participated in the ARRL VHF contest from W6YX on the weekend of January 21-22, 2006.

    Mark K6OWL submitted a single-operator entry from W6YX in the SSB weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 21, 2006, with more than 650 contacts in ten hours.
    More information is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-01/msg00852.html.

    Mike N7MH, Mark K6OWL, Matt WX5S, Risto W6RK, Dave AA6XV, John W6LD, and John KJ9U combined to make 1,334 contacts in the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 14, 2006, including 120 QSOs on 160 meters with the recently refurbished double-L antenna.
    See the full report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-01/msg00618.html.

    W6YX was the site for two multi-operator/single-transmitter teams in the 2006 ARRL RTTY Roundup: (1) Mork K6UFO, Risto W6RK, Mike N7MH, and Mark K6OWL made 1234 QSOs with 98 multipliers for a score of 120,932 using the W6YX call; and (2) Tom ND2T, Bryan AC6TF, and John W6LD logged 1230 contacts to 102 multipliers to score 125,460 points as ND2T.
    Read the full reports at:
  • W6YX - http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-01/msg00126.html and
  • ND2T - http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2006-01/msg00078.html.


    Mike N7MH and Risto W6RK put W6YX on the air for the 2005 Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge, making 70 contacts on the 160 meter band, on December 17, 2005.
    More information on this effort is available at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-12/msg01248.html.

    Six operators found the band openings as we approach the nadir of the solar cycle and completed nearly 1,500 contacts using CW and SSB in the ARRL 10 meter contest, on December 9-11, 2005.
    See the full report at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-12/msg00986.html.

    Four operators participated for forty hours in the 2005 CQ Worldwide DX Contest, over Thanksgiving weekend, completing over 1,100 contacts with stations in thirty-six of the forty designated "CQ zones" across the globe.
    More information is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-11/msg01918.html.

    Six operators participated in the 2005 ARRL November Sweepstakes, making over 2,000 contacts with all designated ARRL sections. These scores also are used for the Collegiate Championship. In addition, Mork K6UFO, Tom ND2T, and Mike N7MH submitted single-operator class entries from W6YX.
    Detailed reports on the CW and SSB sweepstakes weekends are available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-11/msg01424.html
    and http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2005-11/msg01423.html Six operators participated in the 2005 CQ WW DX SSB contest on October 28-30, 2005, making 1,059 contacts with 136 countries. DXCC level achieved on 20 meters with 111 qualifying entities logged.
    See more at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-11/msg00088.html.

    Mork K6UFO made 111 contacts in the October 2005 North American 4 hour RTTY Sprint to to defend again the QRP title won by W6YX in the last two renditions of this contest.
    See the report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-10/msg00347.html.

    Six operators made 1024 CW and 970 SSB contacts in the California QSO Party, better than last year's score, despite declining solar conditions. The team contacted all US states and Canadian provinces during the thirty-hour contest over the weekend of October 1-2, 2005.
    Read more at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-10/msg00129.html.

    Nine operators participated in the September 2005 CQ Worldwide RTTY contest making over 1,500 contacts and more than doubling last year's score, which appears to be a second place finish among all reported North American multi-one entries.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-09/msg00880.html.

    Mike N7MH fought through active solar activity to achieve 307 contacts in the September 2005 running of the North American CW Sprint on Saturday evening, September 10. Dean N6DE also faced challenging conditions and made 302 QSOs the following weekend during the North American SSB Sprint on Saturday evening, September 17.
    Read all about it at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-09/msg00185.html and http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-09/msg00500.html.

    Four operators participated in the August 2005 North American QSO Party SSB with a multi-two entry, completing 1,147 contacts on all six bands from 160 to ten meters, which appears to be a 6th place finish among all North American multi-two entries.
    The full report can be read at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-08/msg00734.html.

    Four operators participated in the August 2005 North American QSO Party CW with a multi-two entry. The W6YX team completed 1,099 contacts on six bands from 160 to 10 meters, likely to finish at 4th place among all North American multi-two entries.
    The complete story is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-08/msg00231.html.

    Six operators participated in the July 2005 North American QSO Party RTTY with a multi-two entry. The W6YX team submitted a very competitive score in this category based on 626 contacts in challenging summer propagation conditions. Based on preliminary results, this appears to be the first place entry among all North American multi-two entries.
    The complete story is available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-07/msg00667.html.

    ARRL Field Day on June 25-26, 2005 was a great success, with 35 participants, 7,000 contacts, activation of the new VHF/UHF antennas, and FUN!
    Photos from this year's version of the annual operating event are available here.
    See the full report at:

    Nine operators participated in the CQ Worldwide WPX CW contest on May 27-29, 2005, making more than 2,300 contacts and scoring more than 5 million points in the multi-operator two-transmitter category.
    Report available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-05/msg00705.html.

    Mike N7MH made 227 contacts in the new single-operator low power CW Sprint held on the evening of April 30.
    Read all about it at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-05/msg00045.html.

    W6YX, led by Dean N6DE, defended its first place title in the School category in the Florida QSO Party on April 23-24, 2005, working 66 of 67 Florida counties over the contest weekend.
    More details available at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-04/msg00753.html.

    Eight operators participated in the CQ Worldwide WPX SSB contest on March 25-27, 2005, making 3,112 contacts in the multi-operator two-transmitter category. Early unofficial results indicate this ranks third among US multi-two stations.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-03/msg01479.html.

    Mork K6UFO made 135 contacts in the March 2005 North American 4 hour RTTY Sprint in a successful effort to defend the QRP title he won last year in this contest from W6YX.
    See the report at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-03/msg00659.html.

    Seven operators participated in the 2005 ARRL International DX SSB contest on March 4-6, 2005, making 1,465 contacts with 112 countries. DXCC level achieved on 15 meters with 101 qualifying entities logged.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-03/msg00423.html.

    Eight operators participated in a winning multi-two effort in the February 2005 CQ Worldwide WPX RTTY contest making 2,020 contacts with 577 different prefixes.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-02/msg00747.html.

    Seven operators participated in the February 2005 ARRL International DX CW contest making 1,945 contacts with over 102 countries.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-02/msg01243.htm.

    W6YX set a record high score for the second year in a row in the February 2005 North American QSO Party RTTY.
    Details at: http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-02/msg01801.html.

    Dean N6DE made 321 contacts in the January 2005 4 hour Sprint SSB, followed by Mike N7MH making 318 contacts in the February 2005 Sprint CW. These guys are fast!
    Details at http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-02/msg00331.html and http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2005-02/msg00482.html.

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