Dean N6DE completed 160 high power RTTY contacts in four hours from W6YX in this autumn's North American Sprint series on Saturday afternoon, October 11, 2008, with the new rule now in place eliminating points for duplicate contacts. Read more about it at
Dave AA6XV, Mork K6UFO, Rebar, N6CCH, Mike N7MH, Chris W6KNS, and Risto N6DE joined forces to make 1,245 CW and 1,781 SSB contacts as a multi-multi school entry in the California QSO Party, nearly making a clean sweep of all available multipliers by contacting all but one the US states and Canadian provinces over the weekend of October 4-5, 2008
See Mork's analysis at:
Dean N6DE made a solo effort in the CQ Worldwide RTTY Contest over the weekend of September 27-28, 2008, and completed almost 786 contacts throughout the world in a one-day high power effort.
Dean's report can be found at:
Mike N7MH made 308 contacts in the September 7, 2008 4 hour North American CW Sprint.
Details at
Mike N7MH handled a solo effort from W6YX in the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on August 2, 2008, with almost 1,000 contacts in 10 hours from ten to 160 meters.
Mike filed a 3830 report at
Rebar N6CCH, Mike N7MH, and Risto W6RK combined forces for the RTTY weekend of the North American QSO Party on July 19, 2008, to make almost 800 contacts in twelve hours in the multi-two category.
Read Rebar's report at:
ARRL Field Day on June 28-29, 2008, was excellent! Over forty people participated and everyone's contribution is appreciated. Our score should put us in the Top Ten again.
See the full report at:
Bob KC6SXC and Dave AA6XV operated in the ARRL June VHF Contest from W6YX on June 14-16, 2008 in CM87 from Sat 2000Z to Sun 0500Z and Sun 1700-2100Z. There were 106 Q's and 6858 points, 85 Q's for 43 grids on 6 meters , and 21 Q's for 11 grids on 2 meters.
Four operators (Matt WX5S,Mike N7MH, Mark K6OWL, and Risto W6RK) participated in the CQ Worldwide WPX CW contest on May 24-25, 2008, making 2,403 contacts and scoring almost four million points in the multi-operator two-transmitter category.
Report available at:
Rebar N6CCH, Tom ND2T, and Rob KG6SKA participated in the CQ Worldwide WPX SSB contest on March 29-30, 2008, making 1,701 contacts in thirty-six hours.
More information at:
Dean N6DE, Rebar N6CCH, Tom ND2T, Mike N7MH, John W6LD, and Curt W6RQ combined forces in the rain and wind in the RTTY weekend of the North American QSO Party on February 23, 2008, to make more than 1,000 contacts in twelve hours in a bid to regain the top award in the multi-two category.
Read Rebar's report at:
Seven operators (Matt WX5S, Rebar N6CCH, Tom ND2T, Risto W6RK, Dean N6DE, Dave AA6XV, and Mork K6UFO) participated in a multi-two effort in the February 2008 CQ Worldwide WPX RTTY contest making
2,272 contacts with 536 different prefixes.
Details at:
Mike N7MH made 308 contacts in the February 2, 2008 4 hour North American CW Sprint.
Details at
Rebar N6CCH and Mike N7MH participated in a multi-two entry from W6YX in the SSB weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 18, 2008, with more than 1,420 contacts.
More information is available at
Mike N7MH, Mark K6OWL, and Risto W6RK combined forces in a multi-two entry from W6YX in the CW weekend of the North American QSO Party on January 11, 2008, with 1,640 contacts in 12 hours, including over a hundred on ten meters.
Risto filed a 3830 report available at
W6YX was the site for two multi-operator/single-transmitter teams in the 2008 ARRL RTTY Roundup: (1) Mark K6OWL, Dean N6DE, and John W6LD made 1,561 QSOs with 95 multipliers for a score of 148,295 using the W6YX call; and (2) Rebar N6CCH and Risto W6RK logged 1,297 contacts to 93 multipliers to score 120,621 points as ND2T.
Read the full reports at: